Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-551 (VB)?
A: This exam is meant for those candidates who have achieved MCAD certification. Microsoft recommends you to have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and new features of ASP.NET 2.0. You should also have at least two years of experience developing applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Q: Which programming languages can you choose for this exam?
A: You can choose the Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 programming language for this exam. Other programming language is Microsoft C# 2005.
Q: What credit does it provide?
A: This exam is a Professional Developer Upgrade exam for those candidates who have already achieved the MCAD certification. After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. This exam credits you towards the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer certification. You will also automatically become the MCTS: .NET 2.0 Web Applications certification.
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